Marvel Boss Looking For Keanu's Perfect MCU Role

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Everyone loves the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Everyone loves Keanu Reeves. How long before the two shall meet?

In a chat with's Brandon Davis, Marvel Studios head honcho Kevin Feige revealed that the studio has had Reeves in mind for a long, long time - and that they're just waiting for the right role for the beloved actor to present itself.

Feige's remarks came in response to a line of questioning which he's got to be used to by now, as Davis wanted to know which of his favorite actors might be up for an invitation to the MCU. The first name on his list? None other than Keanu Reeves, who at the moment is having something of a career resurgence.

"We talk to him for almost every film we make. We talk to Keanu Reeves [often]. I don't know when, if, or ever he'll join the MCU, but we very much want to figure out the right way to do it."

Feige went on to compare the situation to Marvel's pursuit of another high-profile actor who recently joined the party: Jake Gyllenhaal, whom he said the studio had conversations with, quote, "multiple times" before finally casting him as Quentin Beck - AKA Mysterio - in the upcoming Spider-Man: Far From Home.

Feige expressed his hope that the same patient approach would eventually pay off with Reeves; he conspicuously did not mention the fact that multiple outlets have reported the star to be in talks for The Eternals, which is looking to be the first major release on the "Cosmic" side of Marvel's Phase 4.

Feige's remarks are lent credence by the fact that, way back in 2014, Reeves was rumored to be up for the title role in Doctor Strange, a role which eventually fell into the very capable hands of British actor Benedict Cumberbatch.

At the time, Reeves responded to the rumors with a mix of excitement and trepidation. While he admitted to watching and enjoying superhero flicks, claiming that he, quote, "...grew up on them and comics and graphic novels," he admitted to being leery of signing the kind of multiple-picture deal which Marvel famously requires of its more high-profile stars.

He told Collider:

"From a practical standpoint, the idea of a longtime contract is sort of 'errr' because you want to make sure the material is up to a certain level, like the good or great level...I think with [superhero pictures], you need the material, you need the director who you think can deliver a vision. You don't want to do it for doing it, you know? You want to try and make sure it's doing something."

At this point, Reeves doesn't have to do anything just for the sake of doing it; the star is having the kind of moment that would make peers green with envy if he weren't such a legitimately breathtaking guy.

After rocketing to the A-list thanks to his role as Neo in the Matrix series, Reeves spent the next decade or so appearing in decidedly smaller projects before stumbling upon his next paradigm-shifting franchise. That would be John Wick, the insanely innovative and box office-decimating shoot 'em up series which firmly cemented his status as an action movie legend.

Reeves also made a splash this year in the rapturously received Netflix rom-com Always Be My Maybe, and as Duke Caboom in Toy Story 4, which has blown critics out of their seats. On top of all this, he'll soon be returning to one of his most fondly-remembered roles: that of Ted "Theodore" Logan, the time-traveling rocker with a heart of gold, in next year's long-awaited three-quel Bill & Ted Face the Music.

Oh, and he's set to appear in CD Projekt Red's 2020 video game, Cyberpunk 2077, playing - wait for it - a dude named Johnny Silverhand.

The guy can seemingly do it all - so, with the Marvel Cinematic Universe dominating pop culture like nothing else in recent memory, the time seems oh-so-right for Feige and company to find that perfect role that they've long been seeking for the star.

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