Small Details You Missed In Spider-Man: Far From Home

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Spider-Man: Far From Home is blowing people away at the box office. And the latest hit from Marvel Studios is chock full of inside references and Easter Eggs that even the most hardcore fan might miss. Here's a spoiler-filled look at some small details you may have missed in Spider-Man: Far From Home.

In a cute running subplot throughout Far From Home, Peter's man in the chair and all around best buddy Ned Leeds has a whirlwind relationship with Betty Brant, one of the other students on their school trip to Europe. They fall for each other on the flight across the Atlantic, become a couple, and then break up on the return trip. It's funny and cute.

Funny and cute, though, are two adjectives fans never would have applied to the relationship between Ned and Betty in the comics. Originally one of Peter's love interests, Betty Brant ended up marrying Ned Leeds, who in the comics was an older reporter at the Daily Bugle where the two worked. The marriage was difficult, with multiple separations and affairs.

Like their movie counterparts, the relationship ended in Europe, but under very different circumstances: set up as a scapegoat for the crimes of the supervillain known as The Hobgoblin, Ned was murdered by assassins in Berlin, leaving Betty a widow. Yikes!

One of the main plotlines in Far From Home is Peter Parker's crush on fellow student MJ. He has a whole plan laid out to tell her how he feels, only things keep getting in the way — things like, for instance, supervillain attacks. Keep watching the video to see all the small details you missed in Spider-Man: Far From Home!

#Spiderman #FarFromHome

Ned and Betty | 0:15
Brad Davis | 1:09
The Black Suit | 1:58
Earth-616 and Earth-833 | 2:27
Project TAHITI | 3:29
FEAST | 4:11