The Best And Worst Things About Spider-Man: Far From Home

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While there's plenty to love about Spider-Man: Far From Home, no movie is perfect. For every great, powerful moment the film delivers, there must also come a responsibility to acknowledge where the film came up short. Spoilers ahead.

While Homecoming introduced the world to Zendaya's MJ, Far From Home brings her and Tom Holland's Peter Parker together romantically, and it's a delight. The two young actors are able to capture the awkward, budding romance between the two high schoolers with natural chemistry. It's a sweet, engaging relationship that holds down the film as Spider-Man battles illusions, responsibilities, and his grief over Tony Stark's death.

This version of MJ's a bit more sarcastic than previous Spider-Man love interests in movies and animated shows, but the core of the character shines through beautifully. Meanwhile, Holland is as great as ever, playing a Peter distinct from both Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield's conceptions of the character while remaining as recognizably Spider-Man as ever.

While the underlying subtext of Far From Home is pretty clearly about Peter learning that… With great power comes great responsibility. ...the actual way the film connects different parts of Peter's life is a lot less focused. Peter wants to rely on Mysterio because Tony Stark's death has put a lot of pressure on him, but why? The first film was about Peter learning to be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man and turning down a spot with the Avengers, so the immediate turnaround in the very next solo sequel feels weird.

Even with that, Peter's desire for a vacation is pretty relatable it's not like he's letting a robber run off with money, he's just pretty understandably relieved that a seemingly magic-using superhero from another earth is willing to take down elemental super-demons. That's not exactly something that's in Spidey's wheelhouse to begin with, so the idea that he's somehow failing to live up to his potential rings false. Keep watching the video to see the 3 best and 3 worst things about Spider-Man: Far From Home!

#SpiderMan #FarFromHome

Best: Peter and MJ | 0:12
Worst: A muddled message | 0:49
Best: Mysterio on the big screen | 1:35
Worst: Basically Iron Man | 2:17
Best: J. Jonah Jameson returns | 3:23
Worst: No return for Hannibal Buress | 4:00