Things In The MCU Only Adults Notice

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While kids absolutely adore Marvel movies, there's a lot about this franchise that only grown-ups will appreciate. From tacky outfits and glossed-over casualties to an incessant barrage of quick-witted innuendos, here are some things in the MCU that only adults will notice.

Between the mythological gods, radioactive monsters, and talking racoons, it's pretty obvious that no one is going into a Marvel movie looking for a dose of realism. When it comes to space travel, though, believability gets stretched pretty far, even by the goofiest sci-fi standards. At this point, a fair number of humans have been shown making trips through space. Sometimes this has very real consequences, like when Tony Stark nearly died from a lack of oxygen, or when Peter Parker had to be saved before he was yanked out of the atmosphere by the Black Order's spaceship.

At other times, though, any of the problems with being in space or on an alien planet are completely ignored. When our very human heroes get to Thanos's home world of Titan in Avengers: Infinity War, they're able to breathe just fine on an alien planet. The same goes for Vormir when Hawkeye and Black Widow head over there in Endgame to find everything hunky-dory, physiologically speaking. The movies spend a lot of time on the pseudo-science that explains all of the strange phenomena throughout the MCU, but space travel seems to operate entirely on whatever seems convenient for the plot. Kids might not notice, but if you're old enough to have taken a science class, or even read the original Infinity Gauntlet comics, where suffocating in the vacuum of space is a pretty big concern during these superhero battles, it's an easy detail to get hung up on.

Watch the video for more about things in the MCU only adults notice!

#MCU #Marvel #Movies

Space is smaller than you think | 0:15
Those darned power levels | 1:25
Collateral damage | 2:48
Old-school cinema references | 3:49
Wardrobe (mal)functions | 4:39
Civil War just ain't for kids | 5:59
Innuendo and out the other | 7:13
Everything about Tony Stark | 8:23