The Reason This Disturbing Star Wars Scene Is Misunderstood

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It's taken a few years, but we've finally gotten some clarification on perhaps the most messed-up moment in the ​Star Wars​ prequel trilogy. The moment in question comes in Episode II: Attack of the Clones when it appears that young Boba Fett is grieving over the death of his father, Jango while seemingly holding his severed head.

Actor Daniel Logan, who portrayed Boba in the film, recently took to Twitter to state that this was not exactly as it seemed.

You may remember that near the film's end, Anakin and Padme are captured by Jango as they're attempting to reach Obi-Wan Kenobi. Luckily, a group of Jedi arrive to rescue them, including Yoda and Mace Windu, who takes on Jango. The Master Jedi proves to be too formidable for the bounty hunter, who is quickly decapitated by Windu. As the fighting continues, a brief shot shows young Boba apparently picking up the helmet containing his father's severed head, looking appropriately traumatized.

The beheading and Boba's reaction stands as one of the most disturbing happenings in Star Wars history; sure, Jango is a ruthless mercenary and Boba is a clone, but the sight of a kid clutching his parental figure's decapitated head seems just a little bit intense for the series. However, according to Logan, when Boba picks up that helmet, dear old dad's head is not actually in it.

"You can see the shadow of Jango's head falling out just after Mace 'removes' it from his body and the helmet goes flying. So, no, no head in it when BobaFett picks up the helmet. Thanks SamuelLJackson!"

We're not sure why Logan would deign to offer thanks to the dude who lightsabered his dad's head off. At any rate, it's telling that despite the answer to the question being right there in the film, the shadowy image of Jango's falling head slipped by so many fans that Logan had to set the record straight. Perhaps, even in shadow, the image was just too gruesome for director George Lucas to linger on for too terribly long. Keep watching the video to see the reason this disturbing Star Wars scene is misunderstood.

#JangoFett #BobaFett