The Most Heartbreaking Endgame Moments Ranked

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There are plenty of moving scenes in Avengers: Endgame but we sat down and came up with our list of the moments that hit us the hardest. Grab a box of tissues and settle in we're bringing you our rankings for the most heartbreaking Endgame moments.

First up, we have Black Widow's recruitment of Clint Barton. Old Hawkeye isn't handling the loss of his family who, if you'll recall, were dusted by Thanos following that snap particularly well.

He's off traveling around the world, fighting gangsters and dispensing his own brand of cruel justice. So when he reunites with his old crime-fighting partner, it's a poignant moment. Especially after the scene earlier in the movie where a teary-eyed Natasha asks Rhodey to continue searching for Barton, even though they both know they're not going to like what they find.

Romanoff's devotion to one of her truest and oldest friends is impressive, as she follows Barton's bloody trail across the Pacific all the way to Japan. All of this comes to a head in their brief exchange when she finally confronts him in the rainy streets of Tokyo and tells him that they might've found a way to reverse Thanos' Decimation. His response?

The utter despair on Barton's face is just as heart-wrenching as the pain and empathy on Natasha's as she looks at the cold, heartless killer that her friend has become. And yet, her belief in redemption is strong, and it's clear that she doesn't consider him to be truly lost.

Thor is an emotional guy. It doesn't matter if he's raging, laughing, or crying the dude feels all the feels. So it's hard not to get upset when Thor and his friends pay a quick visit to Thanos early on in the film. During the events that follow, the Mad Titan reveals that he's reduced the Infinity Stones to atoms, and that it has become impossible to reverse the snap. Keep watching the video to see the most heartbreaking Endgame moments ranked.

#Avengers #Endgame

Abandon hope | 0:13
Heads will roll | 1:10
Dead loss | 2:06
Mother knows best | 2:54
Like father, like daughter | 3:49
Own worst enemy | 4:29
Tears from the start | 5:22
Can't escape the past | 5:58
Frenemies | 6:45
Dust in the wind | 7:35
Soul for a soul | 8:29
Part of the journey is the end | 9:25