The Biggest Unanswered Questions In It: Chapter Two

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Even in nearly three hours of supernatural horror, It: Chapter Two can't tie up every loose end left hanging. But never fear, because we're here to help you look back over everything that happened in the sequel to identify its most compelling unanswered questions.

Warning: Spoilers are ahead.

Richie's flashback to the arcade strongly implies he's gay and still in the closet. We see him playing Street Fighter with another boy, and when Richie suggests they hang out more, the boy spots his cousin, bully Henry Bowers, and goes on the offensive, claiming that Richie was hitting on him. When Pennywise appears to Richie shortly afterward, he teases the boy, saying he knows his "dirty little secret."

In 2016, Richie takes the death of Eddie harder than any of the other Losers, and toward the end of the film, he returns to a bridge where he carved their initials together into the rail, suggesting that Richie's feelings for Eddie went beyond friendship. We're never told for sure, but it seems likely.

It's tough not to wonder exactly how the grown-up Losers ever get in and out of Derry without being arrested. Their reunion dinner ends with them trashing their private dining room when Pennywise unleashes his illusions. When the hostess walks in, she finds Mike smashing a chair into the table, yet no one so much as scolds them for it. Richie screams at a little kid as they leave the restaurant, and Bill is there to watch that same little boy get devoured by It at the carnival. Most egregious, Richie buries a hatchet in Bowers' head in the Derry Library.

Yet no police officers show up to so much as question the Losers about anything. We never find out how they explain Eddie's disappearance. When Stanley's widow sends them all a letter he wrote before killing himself, there aren't any follow-up calls from curious detectives. The only police you're likely to notice in the film are the ones beating the hell out of the young Henry Bowers in a flashback. It's like the cops just disappeared. Keep watching the video to see The Biggest Unanswered Questions in 'It: Chapter Two!

#It #ItChapterTwo

Was Richie's love for Eddie romantic? | 0:18
Shouldn't the Losers be in jail? | 0:56
Where is everyone in Derry? | 1:53
Where is the turtle? | 2:42
What is It? | 3:23
How does Eddie remember his mom's death? | 3:58
Is Pennywise gone for good? | 4:36