Director Tim Miller Gives Update On Kitty Pryde X-Men Movie

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Will the Pryde of the X-Men ever make it back to the big screen? Or have plans for a Kitty Pryde feature officially fallen through the floor?

In a recent sitdown with ComicBook, Deadpool director Tim Miller discussed the long-awaited solo feature for fan favorite mutant Kitty Pryde, which he had been developing before Fox Studios' acquisition by Disney earlier this year. His comments were, we're sorry to report, not encouraging.

Before the much-ballyhooed merger, Miller had been all set to direct the flick from a script by comics legend Brian Michael Bendis. Pryde has been a Marvel mainstay for nearly 40 years; with her ability to phase through solid matter and her quirky, sardonic sense of humor, she quickly endeared herself to readers, helping to propel sales of X-Men comics into the stratosphere in the '80s.

The character seems like she would have been a fine fit for Miller, who did an excellent job of bringing Deadpool's ass-kicking, profanely humorous aesthetic to the screen in the Merc with a Mouth's first solo outing.

Likewise, it would have been fascinating to see Bendis' big-screen take on the character; among the many heroes he's created for Marvel over the years is Jessica Jones, a tough, complex female character who translated well to live-action in her unfortunately canceled Netflix series.

But unfortunately, Miller has confirmed what many fans anticipated: the Kitty Pryde project is dead in the water.

Miller said,

"I love the X-Men. I don't expect Marvel to call me and say, 'Come do the X-Men,' so I'm not waiting for that. I was really excited about my Kitty Pryde movie. [...] It'll never happen now." Keep watching the video to see how director Tim Miller gives update on Kitty Pryde X-Men movie!
