Gixie Clock: Redemption

  • Tech
  • 18:10
  • 2019-11-14
  • 2019-11-14
Admin 232973 Videos

I've received the all-new re-engineered replacement for my Gixie Clock - here's a full review.
The Gixie is a digital clock that displays time using six removable glass tubes containing etched acrylic panels edge-lit by multicolour LEDs.
The Gixie Clock is available from (this is not an affiliated link)

FULL DISCLOSURE: The two boxed clocks seen in this video were sent to me for free (other than £18 duty and handling fees I paid the courier at the door - well I gave him £20 because I didn't have any change and neither did he). I have not been paid to make this video. I am not on commission.The people who sent it over said it was up to me whether or not I made a video, but they just wanted me to see the updated one anyway. This is not a Paid Promotion - unless you were to count a free clock as some kind of payment - but I'll be giving the spare one away and the other one is a replacement for the broken original that I paid for. It's up to you to make your mind up if you think this video is honest or not - but whether or not you buy a clock doesn't matter one jot to me.

PFAQ (Predicted FAQ)
Q) Why is there a picture of a cheese sandwich on screen at the beginning?
A) A while ago on Patreon I coined the phrase ‘A cheese sandwich video’ to describe a simple video that’s exactly what it is and nothing more - just like a cheese sandwich is a sandwich containing cheese.

A cheese sandwich video is simpler video that doesn’t take weeks to assemble. It’s usually a brief demonstration of one item.

If you see a cheese sandwich image pop up at the start of a video - it's a sign to expect a less complicated and elaborate video. Sometimes all a product needs (or deserves) is a simple demonstration - and that’s where the ‘cheese sandwich‘ video comes in.



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----------Outro Music-----------
Over Time - Vibe Tracks

------Outro Sound Effect------
ThatSFXGuy -