Newest Mandalorian Episode Features A Huge Mistake

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Hey, Mando — we know you're a man of few words, but can you say whoops?

After the fourth installment of The Mandalorian hit Disney+, fans took to the internet in droves to point out that the episode had fallen prey to one of the oldest, most common boneheaded errors in filmmaking history: the old boom-mic-in-the-shot gaffe.

The mistake occurred roughly 16 minutes into the episode, as the Mandalorian was having a chat with Omera, the farmer who had given him refuge during a stop on the planet Sorgan. Their conversation took place in a rather dimly lit area, and unless you had your screen's brightness turned up pretty high, it was fairly easy to miss — but once you know it's there, it's impossible not to see it. The mic comes creeping in from the top of the frame, then bobs around a little bit; it's even visible from multiple angles.


On Twitter, Mando fans were split pretty evenly between "Well, this is just inexcusable," and "Geez, cut the crew some slack." While it might seem like a series with The Mandalorian's high profile should be able to avoid making one of the most well-worn production errors in the book, the fact is that the series is actually produced by human beings, and darned if human beings don't drop the ball every now and again.

"Yes, there were a great many dangers involved. But perhaps the most dangerous were the poisonous fish."

All in all, it's really not worth pulling the ears off your gundark; the gaffe basically amounted to an out-of-place dark blob intruding on the frame in an area where viewers' eyes aren't trained to look. It's not as if an item which clearly had no place in the show's fictional world was left prominently in the frame, as astutely noted by one Twitter user who wrote, quote, "It's still better than the GoT coffee cup."

And, hey — if it's really shattering your immersion like so many poorly built Death Stars, just pretend it's a droid or something. We present to you… BM-MC, the galaxy's first personal audio amplification droid. Action figures coming Christmas 2020.

All joking aside, you may be curious as to whether any other such ridiculous mistakes have made it into the Star Wars franchise, one of the most beloved in the world the films of which have been dissected and analyzed frame-by-frame by legions of dedicated fans for decades. The answer: oh, yes. Oh, God… Just... so many. Keep watching the video to see the newest Mandalorian episode features a huge mistake!
