The No Time To Die Trailer Explained

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The end of an era has arrived. No Time to Die will be Daniel Craig's final foray as British super-spy James Bond, his fifth Bond film in 14 years, making him the longest-serving man to play the role. Let's break down the trailer for this Bond's final bow.

Bond and Dr. Madeleine Swann's drive off into the sunset at the end of Spectre was apparently the only retirement announcement MI6 was ever going to get. Bond took off to Jamaica to live an idyllic existence on the water. He's been there with Swann for five years, with his colleagues believing he's dead.

From the end of 2015's Spectre to the beginning of 2020's No Time to Die - the real-life and fictional timelines basically align here - life has gone on without Bond, exactly as he wanted. It's given Lashana Lynch's Nomi the opportunity to replace him as a 00 agent and acquire a significant amount of experience. Nomi also appears to take on a more militaristic, tactical style for clandestine operations compared to Bond's suave tuxedo look. Watch the video to have The No Time To Die Trailer Explained!

#JamesBond #NoTimeToDie

Five years later | 0:19
Trouble in paradise | 0:59
What's Blofeld's deal? | 1:41
A favor for Felix | 2:40
Who is Safin? | 3:07
Bond's final fate | 4:05