The Ending Of The Mandalorian Chapter 5 Explained

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Trust is the most precious commodity to the Mandalorian, and in chapter 5 of his Disney+ series, what little trust he can invest pays few dividends.

A brief layover on the most familiar of planets Tatooine ends with Mando getting little more than he started with, beyond a fixed ship and a blaster-scorched chestplate. The biggest twist occurred during the last moments, so beware: we're about to enter major spoiler territory.

In The Mandalorian's fifth chapter, entitled "The Gunslinger," we saw Toro Calican seemingly kill Fennec Shand after she attempts to manipulate him into releasing her and accompanying her back to one of Tatooine's spaceport cities, Mos Espa.

At first, we consider that maybe she was just stunned, and will eventually wake up, but several shots cut back to her to underline that yes, Shand is most likely dead. In the last five seconds of the episode, black boots and a cape approach Shand's body. Who could it be?

After Chapter 4's heavy focus on Mando and his personal motivations, chapter 5 is more interested in stepping back perspective to be less about him and more about the greater circumstances of the world in which he lives.

Mando may be its center, but the universe that orbits around him sometimes takes greater precedence, leaving him to be an actor within it. The galaxy is getting bigger and bigger with each new episode of The Mandalorian, and Mando is slowly losing control of it.

The apparent death of Fennec Shand and the aftermath of the incident made up the biggest plot twist of episode 5. Ming-Na Wen is one of the most recognizable actors who was publicly attached to The Mandalorian prior to its release, but we still don't know much about her role on the show.

Secrecy around the series has remained tight, we don't know exactly how many episodes Wen is supposed to appear on. After all, she's got one heck of a backstory, and it'd be a shame to just leave it all behind after one show.

Also, Star Wars has a history of bringing characters we thought were dead back to life, sometimes going through a whole lot of hoops to justify a hero or villain's continuing survival. Keep watching the video to see the ending of The Mandalorian chapter 5 explained.

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