What Hemsworth's Wife Needs Him To Stop Doing To Keep Playing Thor

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Magical flying hammers may make for great weapons in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but according to Chris Hemsworth's wife, they don't make for great house decor.

Most actors like to take home a piece of memorabilia from the sets of their films like small props or a piece of clothing to remind them of a special time in their life or an important character they played. If you're the God of Thunder, however, your eyes are firmly affixed on your faithful hammer, Mjolnir.

Thor, whom Hemsworth has played in the Marvel Cinematic Universe since the release of… well, Thor in 2011, is known to wield Mjolnir at all times in combat, making frequent use of a deadly swing that could knock even the Hulk out of his boots if the green monster wore any, of course. The enchanted weapon has certainly proven useful on screen for both combat and for just getting around, and Hemsworth has apparently taken a huge liking to it in real life, bringing several of the prop hammers home with him after wrapping films in the MCU.

While the Aussie actor loves having them around, his wife, model and actress Elsa Pataky, has reached her limit on the prop in their home, so much so that she's imposed a strict rule: Hemsworth absolutely has to quit swiping hammers from set.

Speaking on the Australian radio show Fitzy and Wippa, Pataky shared that her husband has snatched not just one prop Mjolnir...

Now, don't get us wrong Mjolnir is an epic weapon to wield, but that's an awful lot of hammers for people in the house to trip over. Especially considering, y'know, some mere mortal can't just lift it up and move it over a few inches unless they're also wielding America's ass, that is. Yeah, you know who we're talking about.

Jokes aside, Pataky also explained that she and Hemsworth have regular arguments over where the props are and aren't allowed to go in the house. Keep watching the video to see hat Hemsworth's wife needs him to stop doing to keep playing Thor!

#Thor #Mjolnir