Small Details You Missed In The Ghostbusters: Afterlife Trailer

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The trailer for Ghostbusters: Afterlife, the fourth movie in the franchise - counting that non-canon 2016 one... is finally here. It features callbacks galore, but plenty of these are so brief and subtle that they're easy to miss. But don't be afraid of no Ghostbusters nostalgia. Be ready to believe us about these crucial details from the trailer.

Down-on-her-luck Callie has exhausted her employment opportunities and money in the big city, so she packs up her teenage son Trevor and tween daughter Phoebe to make the trip across the country to a dilapidated old Oklahoma farmhouse, the only thing left to the family by their dear, deceased, conspicuously unnamed grandfather.

We learn from the wonderfully named summer school teacher Mr. Grooberson that the town has become plagued by sudden and frequent earthquakes, despite its considerable distance from tectonic plates and absence of loud music. During one of those tremors is a callback to an early scene in the original Ghostbusters.

As the earth starts to shake around Trevor and his family, we see some books stacked unnecessarily high in the background. You may recall that in the 1984 flick, one of the team's first encounters with a malevolent spirit comes as they investigate weird occurrences at the New York Public Library, where they find a bunch of books stacked in just such a manner.

Those ominously stacked books seem to be the herald of supernatural activity once again.

Paul Rudd, who plays Mr. Grooberson, gets a lot of face time in the trailer, and it certainly looks like his character will serve a significant purpose. He's a die-hard Ghostbusters fanboy, and he's got the background info to help our young heroes understand what the heck is going on in their new town. Keep watching the video to see the small details you missed in the Ghostbusters: Afterlife trailer!

#Ghostbusters2020 #GhostbustersAfterlife

Symmetrical book stacking | 0:20
Something strangely familiar | 1:21
Family legacy | 2:41
Signs and wonders | 3:47
Whose dog? | 4:41