Cameos In Rise Of Skywalker That Completely Surprised Us

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Some of The Rise of Skywalker's biggest surprises happen in a lightspeed flash. That's why we're here to run down the biggest surprise cameos in the movie, from original trilogy sidekicks to behind-the-camera architects.

"The dead speak!" proclaims The Rise of Skywalker's opening crawl, making it clear as soon as possible that things are about to get weird. And weird they do indeed get, as we find Kylo Ren arriving at the planet Exegol in response to a mysterious broadcast from the (somehow alive) Sith Lord and Emperor Sheev Palpatine, a broadcast heard on planet Earth exclusively as a Fortnite cross-promotion...

Ren finds Palpatine, but that's no surprise, we've known since the movie's first trailer that he'd be back. More unexpected are the cameos from other past antagonists, particularly because of the unusual form they take. When Palpatine introduces himself as "every voice you've ever heard inside your head," his voice shapeshifts briefly into that of Supreme Leader Snoke, and then that of Darth Vader. Sure enough, both Andy Serkis and James Earl Jones lend their menacing pipes to the illusion. Snoke even appears a moment later in the flesh, nothing but the flesh, actually, with parts of seemingly rejected clone bodies floating in a tank like a savory Snoke stew. Keep watching to learn the Cameos In Rise Of Skywalker That Completely Surprised Us!

#RiseOfSkywalker #Cameos

Ghosts of Sithmas Past | 0:13
Daddy's Home 2 | 1:25
They're back | 2:13
Red Two, reporting for cameo | 3:05
Rise of the crew of Skywalker | 3:50
Return of the Jedi | 4:27