IT Chapter Two Scenes You Never Got To See

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We know there are some deleted scenes from It: Chapter Two out there somewhere, as well as numerous key moments from Stephen King's original novel that didn't make the cut. With that in mind, let's examine some intriguing scenes that we didn't get to see.

It is a very long novel, even when you're approaching it with the idea of turning the story into two separate films. King's book has the luxury of taking its time with the characters, sometimes even meandering a bit to allow us to get to know them and the world in which they exist, and that means while some things were left out of the films entirely, others were heavily abbreviated for the sake of moving along the plot.

This is particularly true of the way the adult members of the Losers' Club are introduced. As in King's novel, we meet them in their adult forms as they each receive a phone call from Mike Hanlon, but we don't see much of what they do in the immediate aftermath, because the film just needs to get them to Derry quickly.

In the book, King spends a whole chapter with each member of the Club, shedding a little more light on how they each cope with the trauma of the phone call. This is particularly memorable in the case of Ben Hanscom, who chooses to handle it by heading to a local bar, asking the bartender to fill a beer stein with whiskey, and then squeezing lemon juice into his nostrils to shock his body into taking more alcohol. It's an unforgettable scene, but the film just didn't have room for it.

In the film, Bill Denbrough's wife Audra Phillips only appears in the scene where Bill gets the phone call summoning him back to Derry, but in the novel, she has an expanded role. As in the film, Audra is an actress who sometimes works on film adaptations of Bill's stories, but in the book, she's also drawn to Derry as she becomes increasingly fearful over what might happen to her husband. This leads to a confrontation with Beverly's husband, Tom Rogan, who abducts her and takes her down into It's lair. Keep watching the video to see all the IT Chapter two scenes you never got to see!

#ItChapter2 #ItChapter2DeletedScenes

Longer character introductions | 0:14
Bill's wife in the deadlights | 1:24
Tom Rogan comes to Derry | 2:29
A flashback to the 1600s | 3:38
Mike's flashback | 4:42
Ben's encounter with Dracula | 5:41
Mike in the hospital | 6:48
The turtle's appearance | 7:43
Destroying the eggs | 8:52
The collapse of Derry | 9:52