Rotten Tomatoes Reviews For Bad Boys For Life Are In

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It's an age-old question: Bad boys, bad boys…

Will Smith and Martin Lawrence have returned for a third installment of the Bad Boys franchise and even though we haven't seen the likes of Mike Lowery and Marcus Burnett since 2003, Bad Boys for Life has managed to earn some favorable reviews.

In case you need a refresher, here's the story so far: Smith and Lawrence play two wisecracking Miami narcotics detectives who duke it out with numerous drug dealers and smugglers. We first met these two crazy guys in 1995's Bad Boys, which also happened to be director Michael Bay's very first feature film. The movie certainly wasn't a critical darling, but it was ultimately a box office hit thanks largely to the stars' chemistry.

When Bad Boys II came out in 2003, it rocked a much bigger budget which meant more car chases, more explosions, more everything. The film earned nearly twice as much as the original… but the whopping budget ultimately kept it from being considered a commercial success. Unfortunately, most critics thought Bad Boys II was way worse than the first installment.

But this time around, the franchise has finally won over some critics. According to CinemaBlend's Sean O'Connell, Lawrence and Smith still have the same great chemistry. He writes:

"These actors just click. The odd-couple formula isn’t groundbreaking, with Smith easily occupying the bulletproof playboy role and Lawrence personifying the reluctant family man with one eye on retirement. But no matter how much time has passed, the two actors [...] maintain a razor-sharp rapport that helps Bad Boys For Life sizzle in between its explosive action sequences."

Collider's Matt Goldberg clearly agrees with that assessment and he also appreciated getting an intimate glimpse into the lead character's personal lives:

"Bad Boys for Life... [retains] the ridiculous action of Bad Boys II while discarding the go-for-broke mentality in favor of a story about the importance of family. [...] And honestly? It works!" Keep watching the video to see that the Rotten Tomatoes reviews for Bad Boys for Life are in!

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