Why Hugo Weaving Didn't Return As Red Skull For Infinity War

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Hugo Weaving isn't one to be pushed around even by Mighty Marvel.

The actor recently revealed that he passed on the opportunity to reprise the role of Red Skull in Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame when contract negotiations with Marvel Studios hit a serious snag. Weaving spoke about the situation during an interview with TimeOut to promote his appearance in The Visit, a stage production being mounted at London's famed National Theatre.

The Skull's reappearance as keeper of the Soul Stone on the planet Vormir was one of the more unexpected and crowd-pleasing moments in Infinity War, but to this day, there are probably a number of fans who don't realize that it wasn't Weaving under the makeup. Rather, it was Ross Marquand of The Walking Dead fame who so thoroughly nailed Weaving's take on the character that audiences could be forgiven for failing to spot the substitution.

Surprisingly, Weaving indicated to TimeOut that, in contrast to remarks he made in 2012 indicating that playing the Skull was, quote, "not something [he] would want to do again," he actually enjoyed the chance to indulge his villainous impulses in the role, and would have been down to return if only Marvel had played ball.

The actor explained:

"I loved playing that character Red Skull it was a lot of fun. We were all obliged to sign up for three pictures: I was thinking [Red Skull] probably wouldn't come back in [another Captain America movie], but he may well come back as a villain in [an Avengers film]." Keep watching the video to see why Hugo Weaving didn't return as Red Skull for Infinity War!

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