Times Futurama Freakishly Predicted The Future

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Fittingly for a show about the future, Futurama was ahead of the curve in all sorts of ways. Who would have thought that a world full of alcohol-powered robots and Smell-O-Scopes would end up resembling our own? Here's all the times that Futurama freakishly predicted the future.

One of the most ubiquitous pieces of technology in the world of Futurama is the wrist-mounted computer. Though they never get an official name, Leela typically refers to hers as a "wrist thingy." Leela has used her wrist thingy as a phone, a clock, a remote control for the Planet Express ship, and basically everything else.

Ever since the days of The Jetsons, we have longed for wristwatch computers, but when Futurama premiered, they were still a distant dream. The closest thing we had at the time was Samsung's SPH-WP10, a wrist-mounted cell phone that weighed 50 grams and had a battery life of 90 minutes.

Over the past few years though, this dream has more or less come true, with smartwatches like the Apple Watch that can now approximate many of the functions of a smart phone. Of course, unlike Leela's wrist thingy, the Apple Watch can't record someone rapping and then analyze the success rate of their rhyme-busting.

In many ways, our modern world doesn't look all that different from 1999 when Futurama first premiered. Most of our technological progress in the past two decades has been in the realm of computers, rather than jetpacks and flying cars. However, we have had one major change to the skies of our cities, and that's the development of quadcopter drones.

In recent years, technology surrounding unmanned aerial vehicles has progressed by leaps and bounds, leading to widespread availability of cheap quadcopter drones for pretty much anyone who wants one. Believe it or not, Futurama kind of called this one. Floating camera drones appear all throughout Futurama in lieu of human camera operators. However, no one in the Futurama-verse figured out that drones can be used to make deliveries. It's a good thing, too, or else the Planet Express crew might be out of a job.

In the episode "The Lesser of Two Evils," Fry, Leela, and Bender visit Past-o-Rama, a theme park that is supposed to recreate late 20th/early 21st century New York. It's not exactly accurate.

The only clearly predictive element of scenery is the marquee at the theater, which advertises "Star Wars 9 — Yoda's Bar Mitzvah." When "The Lesser of Two Evils" first aired, the newest Star Wars film to come out was Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, and given how poorly received that film was, the thought that we'd eventually get an Episode IX was far from certain.

This isn't the only time that one of Futurama's joke movies ended up actually getting made. In the episode "A Fishful of Dollars," Fry meets the head of Pamela Anderson, who tells him that she starred in "Baywatch: The Movie. Keep watching the video to see all the times Futurama freakishly predicted the future!


Smartwatches | 0:15
Floating drone cameras | 1:06
Star Wars: Episode IX | 1:53
Beer-powered machines | 2:52
Immortal celebrities | 4:00
Boring VR games | 5:04
The smell-o-scope | 6:28
Celebrity pleasure robots | 7:55
Interactive movies | 9:15
Accidental Miss Universe winner | 10:28

Read Full Article: https://www.looper.com/176103/times-futurama-freakishly-predicted-the-future/