Every Avengers 5 Rumor We've Heard

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The dust has barely settled on Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, but fans of the popular superhero franchise have been clamoring for more from the bosses at Marvel Studios. We don't yet know what Avengers 5 could look like, but that won't keep us from speculating.

In terms of the cast, there are a few characters we can safely say won't be returning to the Avengers. Iron Man is definitely out of the mix, considering that he sacrificed himself at the end of Endgame to save the universe from Thanos.

Black Widow also said a heartbreaking goodbye when she threw herself off a cliff to ensure that Hawkeye would get his hands on the Soul Stone. Captain America won't be making an appearance either, as he's lived out his life with Peggy Carter in the past, and is now a senior citizen.

The only member of the original big three that could still play a role is Chris Hemsworth's Thor, who is part of the Phase 4 plans with that fourth solo film, Thor: Love and Thunder, due out in 2021. However, that flick is set to see him hand over the mantle of Thor to Jane Foster, who will appear as the first female Thor and could form part of a new Avengers team.

So who does that leave? Well, we know that Captain Marvel is thought to be leading the franchise from here on out. There's also Spider-Man, although his future role in the MCU is still very much uncertain after his third solo film. We also have Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Valkyrie, War Machine, the Winter Soldier, and the Falcon, to whom Cap gifted his shield at the conclusion of Endgame. Many of these characters already have new movies or series in the works due for release in Phase 4, so it seems pretty inevitable that they'll appear in a team-up movie.

Of course, it's quite possible that a totally new iteration of the Avengers will make its debut in Phase 4. Teams from the comics such as the New Avengers, Young Avengers, and even the West Coast Avengers might soon see some of their members introduced on the big screen or in Disney+ series. Keep watching the video to see every Avengers 5 rumor we've heard!

#Avengers5 #MCU #MCUPhase4

Avengers assemble | 0:14
Multiple teams | 1:35
She-Hulk is the first confirmed | 2:36
X-Men appearance | 3:23
Taking time | 4:36

Read Full Article: https://www.looper.com/196008/all-avengers-5-rumors-and-spoilers-leaked-so-far/