The Best And Worst Pandemic Movies

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In the midst of a real-life pandemic, some viewers might want some sort of glimpse into what might be on the horizon. But while there are plenty of pandemic films out there, not all of them are created equal. So here are the best and worst pandemic movies you can watch today.

In the midst of the coronavirus outbreak, Steven Soderbergh's 2011 film Contagion skyrocketed to the top of the rental charts, and it wasn't exactly a surprise as to why. Soderbergh's grim yet gripping portrayal of a worldwide pandemic seemed to echo exactly the state of a world adversely affected by COVID-19. And with an all-star cast, Contagion pulls a Scream by killing off one of its A-listers in the very first scene. If you've somehow avoided spoilers by now, we won't ruin it for you but the scares and shocks continue at a breakneck speed until the film's very end.

When it was released in 2011, Contagion performed well with critics and at the box office, and scientists even went out of their way to praise the film's accuracy. However, nearly ten years later, the film has seen a massive resurgence, thanks in large part to its accurate and optimistic portrayal of the scientific community's ability to fight infection and disease, no matter how dangerous.

None of the Resident Evil film adaptations are particularly great, with most of them boasting pretty bleak scores on Rotten Tomatoes. But according to the numbers, Resident Evil: Apocalypse is the worst of them all. With the lowest rating in the entire series specifically, 20 percent this sequel to the 2002 original Resident Evil was released in 2004, and it clearly didn't stand up to its predecessor.

Apocalypse finds Resident Evil's protagonist, Alice, held captive by the Umbrella Corporation, a pharmaceutical company investigating the zombie outbreak that happened during the first film. Keep watching the video to see the best and worst pandemic movies.

#PandemicMovies #PandemicFilms

Best: Contagion | 0:14
Worst: Resident Evil: Apocalypse | 1:05
Best: Outbreak | 2:19
Worst: Cabin Fever (2016 remake) | 3:03
Best: 28 Days Later | 4:02
Worst: Survival of the Dead | 5:08
Best: Train to Busan | 5:59
Worst: Carriers | 7:04
Best: Shaun of the Dead | 8:05
Worst: Zombi 2 | 9:14
Best: 12 Monkeys | 10:11
Worst: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies | 11:16

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