Matrix Theories That Would Change Everything

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After more than two decades, people are still analyzing every frame and perceived undertone of the Matrix franchise, and things have gotten bonkers. Get ready to question your reality as we look at the Matrix theories that would change everything.

As regular internet users know, there's a happy contingent of moviegoers in the world who take a great deal of personal pride in being able to poke holes in a film's plot using an arsenal of boring, complicated tools like "science" and "reality." These are the folks who refuse to engage with the movie as a piece of fiction, and instead spend their days picking it apart as though it was a documentary and not a piece of entertainment.

One of their favorite targets is the Matrix franchise's claim that humans are being used to generate bioelectric power for the Machines. The nerd community was quick to point out that this was a pretty inefficient way to do things, since a person's body would, by necessity, consume more power than it could ever put out. It's be a little bit like trying to run a battery charger on the batteries it was charging.

But what if we told you that all of that was a lie?

What if humans actually do produce the energy necessary to juice up a robot army and the world's most malevolent Second Life server? It sounds crazy, but there's a solid explanation for why we wouldn't know about it. According to one theory on Reddit, we're all living in the Matrix right this second, and our robot overlords have programmed the simulation to make it seem like we generate less power than we actually do. The purpose? Plausible deniability, and an easy way to throw us off the scent, keeping us from ever taking the all-too real Matrix stories too seriously.

Watch the full video to hear more Matrix theories that would change everything.

#Matrix #TheMatrix

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