The Untold Truth Of Scarface

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The edges of the cinematic classic Scarface haven't softened over the years, nor has it grown any less divisive. Here's the untold truth of one of the greatest, bloodiest, most influential films of all time.

The movie that came to largely define Al Pacino's career likely would never have happened if he'd just stayed home instead of going out one night to watch a movie.
Speaking with author Lawrence Grobel in an interview that accompanied Scarface's Blu-ray release, Pacino said of the original 1932 film,

"I had heard about Scarface for a long time. [...] When I saw it, it had a real feeling to it, a grand feeling, and it had a great performance by Paul Muni. He did something different. I thought it would be interesting to do a remake of this, [...] so I called (producer) Marty Bregman, and he saw it and got very excited."

Keep watching to see The Untold Truth Of Scarface.

#Scarface #AlPacino

Scarface was Al Pacino's idea | 0:00
Almost a period piece | 0:55
Stone wrote Scarface from experience | 2:52
Nobody wanted to cast Michelle Pfeiffer | 3:44
Scarface mostly shot in LA | 4:47
Brett Ratner has cameo | 5:58
Spielberg helped direct gunfight | 6:46
Pacino injured | 7:26
Scarface rated X three times | 8:02
Some critics hated Scarface | 9:14
Song gains its own fame | 10:22
Scarface linked with rap | 11:23

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