Show 'N Tell - 1960s Children's Multimedia System

  • Tech
  • 19:01
  • 2018-4-5
  • 2018-4-5
Admin 233053 Videos

The Show N' Tell was an educational and entertainment audio slideshow system for children that was sold in the US for approximately twenty years. I imported one to the UK to try it for myself.



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----------Outro Music-----------
Over Time - Vibe Tracks

------Outro Sound Effect------
ThatSFXGuy -

Corrections & Updates

Motor Speed
The motor is an AC motor, a DC motor would have been fine. I misspoke. I previously covered this issue in a video about a wire recorder and one called ‘How to get 120v 60Hz in the U.K.’

There are various ways to improve the appearance of the images on the faded slides by scanning them in and then manipulating them in editing packages. However getting them back into a format that could be read by the machine again would be much trickier, and more trouble than it’s worth.

It’s a ‘Geneva Drive’