Dark Souls on Switch: Complete Analysis + Xbox 360/PS4 Graphics Comparison!

  • Tech
  • 13:29
  • 2018-10-21
  • 2018-10-21
Admin 233001 Videos

Developer Virtuos crafts a unique port for Switch with its own pros and cons. At its basis, this is the original 360/PS3 version of the game with none of the visual embellishments seen in the PS4 remaster - besides the change to a dynamic 1080p while docked. However there's more to this version than first meets the eye, as Tom explains.

For the source file to this analysis, check out Patreon at: https://www.digitalfoundry.net/2018-10-21-dark-souls-on-switch-complete-analysis-xbox-360ps4-graphics-comparison

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