Ranking Every X-Men Movie From Worst To First

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The X-Men franchise has weathered plenty of ups and downs over the years, with the now-iconic series playing host to its fair share of garbage, as well as some of the greatest superhero movies ever made. Here's every one of them, ranked from worst to best.

In March 2019, Disney finalized its acquisition of Fox's film assets, and just like that, Charles Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters was taken over by the House of Mouse. So when Dark Phoenix hit theaters a few months later, it was to be the final mainline X-Men movie of the Fox era, and the last film of a franchise dating back to the year 2000. And boy, did it end with a whimper.

Dark Phoenix tells the story of Jean Grey, a powerful mutant who's possessed by an otherworldly and all-consuming entity. This cosmic force turns Jean into an uncontrollable force of nature who decides it's time for the X-Men to become X-tinct. And yeah, the movie itself works about as well as that joke.

From its lackluster emotional cues to its disappointing action scenes, the movie is just a total bore. Sure, you could argue that one other X-Men movie is technically worse, but at least that particular mis-step was good for a laugh. Here, you just end up disappointed. What could've been a grand space opera filled with thrilling space action turned out to be a dull and disappointing farewell to the uncanny X-Men.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine was Fox's return to the X-Men franchise after the original trilogy ended in 2006. But while it's always great watching Hugh Jackman have fun as Wolverine, even he couldn't save this schlockfest from heaps of cheap CGI, cardboard characters, and a screenplay that doesn't even know the difference between a wolf and a wolverine. Keep watching the video to see how we are ranking every X Men movie from worst to first!

#Xmen #XmenUniverse

Dark Phoenix | 0:13
X-Men Origins: Wolverine | 1:09
X-Men: The Last Stand | 2:13
X-Men: Apocalypse | 3:09
X-Men | 4:01
Deadpool 2 | 5:07
X-Men: First Class | 5:50
X2: X-Men United | 7:05
The Wolverine | 7:56
Deadpool | 8:48
X-Men: Days of Future Past | 9:32
Logan | 10:27