This Marvel Movie Rumor Would Be Epic If True

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Hold onto your hats, true believers. While Marvel Studios Phase 4 is pretty much set in stone, and Phase 5 is only beginning to take shape, the rumor mill has churned out an eye-popper: the studio is reportedly prepping an ​Avengers vs. X-Men​ movie, possibly for Phase 6.

The report comes from our friends at We Got This Covered, who we know don't always nail it when it comes to the Marvel pipeline. But that hasn't stopped them from making this bold claim about the future of the MCU. Citing inside sources, the publication put forth a surprising number of details about the alleged Avengers vs. X-Men project.

According to these sources the proposed picture would come down the pike well after the X-Men have been introduced into the MCU, which is not expected to happen for two years or more. It would involve different Avengers from the ones that we all know and love, which squares with comments made by Marvel head honcho Kevin Feige to MTV News back in June.
Feige said at the time,

"[The new Avengers] will be a very different team than we've seen before; that's what Endgame was all about. It will be a very different incarnation of the team, with some people you've already met, and some people you haven't met yet."

According to WGTC's sources, the team that Marvel has in mind fits that description to a T. Black Panther, Scarlet Witch, and assuming that Sony and Marvel eventually get around to ironing out their differences Spider-Man could all be on board, as well as the Jane Foster version of Thor, who is set to make her debut in 2022's Thor: Love and Thunder.

Also up for spots on the team: Simu Liu's Shang-Chi, whose solo feature Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings drops in February 2021, and Mahershala Ali's Blade, whose solo movie is thought to be scaring up Phase 5.

Even more intriguingly, the flick is said to be taking the inspiration for its plot from a mind-blowing Marvel storyline: House of M. The 2005 crossover event, penned by comics legend Brian Michael Bendis, mostly took place in an alternate reality created by Scarlet Witch after she suffered a mental breakdown. But most notably, Wanda also used her reality-altering abilities to depower virtually every mutant on Earth. Not in the alternate reality, but in the actual Marvel U.

The events of House of M had a lasting effect on the Marvel universe, and elements of the story led into the 2012 Avengers vs. X-Men crossover, also co-written by Bendis. Obviously, a good number of tweaks would have to be made to adapt the story to the screen, but this is nothing new for Marvel; Captain America: Civil War took a ton of liberties with the 2006-2007 event from which it took its title, just as the one-two punch of Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame did with 1991's Infinity Gauntlet limited series. Keep watching the video to see that this Marvel movie rumor would be epic if true.

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