Will Spider-Man 3 Feature Another Major Avenger?

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Now that we know Spider-Man is sticking around in the Marvel Cinematic Universe thanks to the new deal Sony, Disney, and Marvel reached in September 2019, it's not totally unreasonable to think that Spider-Man 3 may feature another major Avenger. Well, according to an entirely unconfirmed rumor published by We Got This Covered, that idea might become reality. And by "unconfirmed rumor," we mean "internet chatter." And by "might become reality," we mean, "nobody actually has any idea, but hey we can dream, right?"

The outlet cites unnamed sources claiming that the upcoming Spider-Man 3 will co-star another prominent Avenger: Captain Marvel, Doctor Strange, or Ms. Marvel whom we've yet to meet on screen. Here's what we think.

Let's break this rumor down by starting with Captain Marvel.

Save for that awesome Endgame scene where Spidey handed over the Iron Infinity Gauntlet to the Kree-powered Captain, Peter Parker and Carol Danvers haven't spent much time on-screen together. On the other hand, there is that end-credits scene from Spider-Man: Far From Home that featured Talos and Soren, the Skrull couple who first appeared in Captain Marvel. If that mysterious scene was setting up some sort of Skrull storyline for Spider-Man 3, Captain Marvel will probably want to be involved in one way or another. After all, she's basically their savior.

Captain Marvel and Spider-Man are also the strongest contenders to be the face of the MCU now that Iron Man and Captain America are out of the picture, so having them share the screen in Spider-Man 3 could be Disney's way of ushering in the new era of Marvel at the movies.

That said, Tom Holland and Brie Larson are A-list actors with their own superhero franchises to focus on so there's a pretty decent chance that they'll stick to their own corners of the MCU and never meet up on screen again. We're hoping that's not the case.

Watch the video for more about Spider-Man 3 featuring another major Avenger!

#SpiderMan3 #MCU #Avengers

The case for Captain Marvel | 0:46
Should we discount Doctor Strange? | 1:54
Wait... who's Ms. Marvel? | 3:10