Biggest Unanswered Questions In Terminator: Dark Fate

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When time travel gets involved there isn't much that isn't possible, and with so many possibilities on the table it's easy to choke the air with questions. In the aftermath of Terminator: Dark Fate, this franchise has as many dangling plot threads as ever.

Sadly, we learn early in Terminator: Dark Fate that John Connor is no longer in the land of the living. Even though the only bad guy Terminator we meet in Terminator 2 is Robert Patrick's T-1000, in Dark Fate we learn SkyNet covered all of its angles and sent more Terminators back in time that we didn't know about. After the events of Terminator 2, one of those Terminators, the same model as the classic Schwarzenegger cyborg we're used to, kills John Connor in front of Sarah. With SkyNet no longer in existence, the Terminator receives no new orders and decides to learn to become more human, eventually regretting his actions.

It begs the question of why SkyNet sends this older Terminator model as a safety net when the T-1000 version we see in Terminator 2 is clearly superior and can take a lot more punishment. The real answer is obvious, because Arnold didn't play the T-1000, and the filmmakers wanted Arnold back. But narratively we don't get any kind of explanation. Maybe T-1000s were rare? Perhaps one T-1000 per time travel kill mission was the limit in SkyNet Central? We'll probably never know.

#TerminatorDarkFate #DarkFate #Terminator

The forgotten T-1000 | 0:17
Rogue Terminators | 1:25
Who were Sarah's targets? | 2:15
Faulty family unit | 3:29
Hello from the future | 4:25
A Major coincidence | 5:29
Armageddon deja vu | 6:45
Leftovers for Legion | 7:52
Just one Terminator? | 9:01
Arnold's end? | 10:30
Peace for Sarah? | 11:38