Stephen King Roles That Changed Actors Forever

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Whether it's working on a classic Stephen King movie or one of his more frowned-upon films, getting involved with the King of Horror can make a star, revive a career, or give an actor a new perspective. From helpful psychics to horrified housewives, these King roles changed these actors forever.

Carrie was the first screen adaptation of a Stephen King story, and it remains one of the most iconic. The film launched several careers, but the person who owes the most to the movie is Sissy Spacek. The movie almost single-handedly turned her into a celebrity.

Spacek first drew attention in Terrence Malick's Badlands, but still wasn't quite a star yet when the movie was released in 1973. Hearing that Stephen King's Carrie was getting adapted for a movie, Spacek used her familiarity with the book to her advantage and auditioned for the title role. The director had another actress in mind, but Spacek's audition was so good that it blew everyone else out of the water.

The role earned Spacek popular acclaim and an Oscar nomination… but maybe it's a good thing that she didn't actually win. The last time she was onstage receiving an honor, things got a little freaky.

Anthony Michael Hall was one of the biggest young stars of the 1980s. A regular actor for teen movie director John Hughes, a veteran of the Vacation franchise, and a brief cast member of Saturday Night Live, his career seemed bulletproof.

Then came the '90s and Hall's career seriously tapered off. He spent most of the decade doing guest TV appearances and showing up in less-successful movies. Hall was at a professional low point in 2001. He co-starred in Freddy Got Fingered and critics had some pretty harsh things to say about the film. Keep watching the video to see the Stephen King roles that changed actors forever!

#StephenKing #TheShining

Sissy Spacek | 0:16
Anthony Michael Hall | 1:08
Shelley Duvall | 2:00
The cast of Stand by Me | 2:45
Morgan Freeman | 4:22