Fans Are Going Bonkers Over The Idea Of Bane In The Batman

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Dave Bautista, you sneaky scoundrel, you.

The Guardians of the Galaxy star has got DC fans losing their minds over a photo he posted to his Twitter account which seems to suggest that he may be in talks to star in a film produced by Warner Bros. DC's parent company.

Stoking the fires of speculation even further, Bautista provocatively captioned the image:

"It won't come to you so get after it!! DreamChaser"

Yeah, we'd say that's a pretty strong indication that Bautista is actively pursuing a specific role. Fans, of course, took that indication and ran with it and there's a pretty strong consensus among them as to just what role that might be.

Of course, Bautista is well-known for his role as Drax the Destroyer in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and it's also fairly common knowledge that he was the first choice for the role of Peacemaker in Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn's upcoming DC picture The Suicide Squad though that role eventually went to fellow wrestler John Cena. Given this history, fans are convinced that the actor is lobbying to secure a role in writer/director Matt Reeves' upcoming The Batman and with his build, it seems like he'd be a pretty good fit to play Bane, the Bat-breaking baddie who was previously portrayed in The Dark Knight Rises by Tom Hardy.

Virtually every response to Bautista's tweet contained the words "Bane" and "Please." Hey a little hope never hurt nobody!

"I learned here that there can be no true despair without hope."

Look, if anybody can picture Bautista filling Bane's shoes, it's us. It's not just his build; his voice, acting style, and proven action chops would have us totally flipping out it if he were to one day land the role. Unfortunately, we're approximately 99.9998 percent sure that that day isn't going to come today, next week, or next year.

First and foremost, there's the fact that The Batman's rogues' gallery is already pretty well filled out. Back in October, Zoë Kravitz nabbed the role of Catwoman; near-simultaneously, it was announced that Paul Dano had been cast as the Riddler. The following month, the news broke that Colin Farrell was in talks to play the Penguin in the movie, and since then, it's also been announced that John Turturro will be playing the infamous crime boss Carmine Falcone.

That's a pretty well-rounded gallery, and even the rumors that have flitted about like so many bats in a cave over the last year or so have failed to mention Bane. It also stands to reason that assuming Warner Bros. would like The Batman to kick off a franchise, which is a pretty soundly reasonable assumption — they're not going to load up the plate with all of Bats' most iconic villains right off the, er, bat? Keep watching the video to see that fans are going bonkers over the idea of Bane in The Batman!

#TheBatman #Bane #BaneDCEU